Unmatched Piano Tuning & Repair Services in Warsaw, IN

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"We could not be more satisfied with our experience with Moore Piano!"

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Piano Tuning

Regular piano tuning is essential to maintain the rich, beautiful sound of your instrument. At Moore Piano, we specialize in providing expert piano tuning services in Warsaw. Our experienced technicians ensure that each string is perfectly adjusted to produce harmonious and accurate tones. With over 14 years of experience, Ron Moore leads our team in delivering precise and reliable tuning services. Whether you’re a professional musician, a music teacher, or a piano enthusiast, our tuning services will keep your piano sounding its best. Don’t let your piano fall out of tune – contact Moore Piano for expert tuning services today!

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Piano Repair

Pianos are complex instruments that require skilled technicians for repairs. Moore Piano offers comprehensive piano repair services in Warsaw, addressing a wide range of issues from sticky keys to broken strings. Our team is trained to handle repairs for both acoustic and digital pianos, ensuring your instrument is restored to perfect playing condition. We use high-quality materials and the latest techniques to provide long-lasting repairs. Whether you need minor adjustments or extensive repairs, trust Moore Piano for professional and reliable service. Call us today to schedule your piano repair!

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Piano Restoration

Over time, pianos can suffer from wear and tear that affects their appearance and performance. Moore Piano provides expert piano restoration services to bring your beloved instrument back to life. Our restoration process includes refinishing the exterior, repairing internal components, and restoring the sound quality. We pay attention to every detail to ensure your piano looks and sounds like new. Our team is passionate about preserving the beauty and functionality of pianos, offering personalized restoration services to meet your needs. If your piano needs a makeover, contact Moore Piano for professional restoration services.

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Piano Cleaning

Keeping your piano clean is crucial for its longevity and performance. Moore Piano offers specialized piano cleaning services in Warsaw, ensuring that every part of your instrument is free from dust and debris. Our cleaning process includes the careful removal of dust from the soundboard, strings, and keys, as well as polishing the exterior. Regular cleaning can prevent damage and prolong the life of your piano. Trust our experienced team to provide meticulous cleaning services that maintain the beauty and functionality of your instrument. Schedule your piano cleaning with Moore Piano today!

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Digital Piano Repair & Restoration

Digital pianos require expert care to maintain their electronic components and sound quality. Moore Piano offers specialized digital piano repair and restoration services in Warsaw. Our technicians are trained to handle a wide range of issues, from malfunctioning keys to software problems. We use advanced diagnostic tools to identify and fix issues, ensuring your digital piano performs flawlessly. Whether you need minor repairs or a complete restoration, our team is here to help. Trust Moore Piano for expert digital piano services that keep your instrument in top condition.

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Player Piano Repair & Restoration

Player pianos are unique instruments that require specialized care. Moore Piano provides expert player piano repair and restoration services in Warsaw, ensuring these intricate instruments are restored to their original condition. Our technicians are skilled in repairing and maintaining the mechanical components of player pianos, as well as tuning and restoring their sound quality. We are dedicated to preserving the charm and functionality of player pianos, offering personalized services to meet your needs. If your player piano needs attention, contact Moore Piano for professional repair and restoration services.

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About Piano Tuning & Repair Services in Warsaw, IN

  • How long does a tuning take?

    A piano tuning usually takes about 2 hrs. This depends on how cooperative the piano decides to be. If a pitch raise is done it will take an extra 1-2 hrs total.

  • How often does my piano need to be tuned?

    The best answer? It depends. It depends largely on the pianist and how sensitive they are to it being out of tune, it depends on the piano and whether or not you like your windows open or the A/C on. Generally in the Fort Wayne area I have been able to tune most pianos once per year. This is a minimum and usually you can hear the piano being out of tune pretty well by this point. If a Pitch Raise was done I usually schedule an appointment in 6 months and then move it to once a year.

  • Why does my piano go out of tune?

    Changes in humidity. The pianos wooden structure absorbs and dissipates moisture. The piano will be substantially sharp in high humidity if it’s tuned to pitch in low humidity and vice versa. Over the period of a year this stretching and relaxing of the strings and wooden parts knocks the piano out of tune.

  • Do you work on player pianos?

    We work on all player types, turn of the century pnuematics and the newer computer controlled types. These will typically require multiple appointments starting with an inspection/consultation and then differing levels of the repair.

  • Do you work on digital pianos?

    We do! We currently work on Yamaha Clavinova, Casio, Kurzweil, Suzuki and Roland digital pianos.  Click here for more information about our digital piano repair services.

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